Europe France Germany

Viewing Europe Through A Keyhole

Chateau de Caen, Caen, France

Although we enjoyed our trip immensely and experienced many wonderful things, our time, in retrospect, feels very brief in each place we visited.  As I ponder our trip it is like looking through a key hole.  We saw just enough to wet our appetite for more.

Our vacation lasted four weeks.  We spent 10 days in Germany and the rest in France.  We visited 4 cities in Germany; Munich,  Weiden, Berlin and Grafenwoehr (our son Jeff and his family are attached to the US Army and live here).  The four cities we visited in France were Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Tours, and Caen.  During our 28 day visit we spent a good portion of 6 days traveling by train.   That leaves 22 days to see 8 different locations..

By the time we started getting confortable with each place, we were leaving on a train for the next city.  My wife and I agree that in the future we will try to spend more time in fewer places. Part of the allure to traveling is learning about people and the cultures in which they live.

It is fun to learn where to shop, where to eat or where to launder your clothes.  It is delightful to earn about fashions, concerts and festivals.  Most of all it is enjoyable to make new friends.  All of this is difficult to do in just a few days.

Be that as it may, it was awesome to have this time to reflect on life without the distractions of daily routines.  My wife does not have the wanderlust in her veins that I do,  But, I believe she would agree it was a great trip and wonderfully refreshing.

More to follow on each location.