Europe France Germany

Viewing Europe Through A Keyhole

Chateau de Caen, Caen, France

Although we enjoyed our trip immensely and experienced many wonderful things, our time, in retrospect, feels very brief in each place we visited.  As I ponder our trip it is like looking through a key hole.  We saw just enough to wet our appetite for more.

Our vacation lasted four weeks.  We spent 10 days in Germany and the rest in France.  We visited 4 cities in Germany; Munich,  Weiden, Berlin and Grafenwoehr (our son Jeff and his family are attached to the US Army and live here).  The four cities we visited in France were Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Tours, and Caen.  During our 28 day visit we spent a good portion of 6 days traveling by train.   That leaves 22 days to see 8 different locations..

By the time we started getting confortable with each place, we were leaving on a train for the next city.  My wife and I agree that in the future we will try to spend more time in fewer places. Part of the allure to traveling is learning about people and the cultures in which they live.

It is fun to learn where to shop, where to eat or where to launder your clothes.  It is delightful to earn about fashions, concerts and festivals.  Most of all it is enjoyable to make new friends.  All of this is difficult to do in just a few days.

Be that as it may, it was awesome to have this time to reflect on life without the distractions of daily routines.  My wife does not have the wanderlust in her veins that I do,  But, I believe she would agree it was a great trip and wonderfully refreshing.

More to follow on each location.

Europe France Germany

Using a Credit Card in Europe

During our current visit to France and Germany we have found that our credit cards seldom worked. Thankfully, we have not had a problem at hotels or buying train tickets. But, at all other places our card has been rejected.

We were rejected at McDonalds, grocery stores, and department stores. Although we were able to get cash from ATM machines to cover our needs, it has been inconvenient and there is no record of our purchases. Further, it eliminates a way to track your total expenses.

In my opinion, Visa, MasterCard and the other credit card companies are missing the boat with their failure to require this new  security on cards issued in the U.S.

First, by restricting the use of their cards for technology reasons, they are missing out a considerable revenue.  Secondly, increased security could reduce future fraud.  Lastly, better service may  attract new customers and improve customer loyalty.

In a global economy, it is time for universal credit cards.

UPDATE:  MAY 12, 2015

After investigating further, I have found that some credit cards issued in the US now have the security chip on them.   Others are in the process of updating cards to incorporate this new security platform.

During our recent trip I discovered by accident that my back-up card from a different company already had the chip on it.  I handed my primary card to the clerk of the hotel we were checking out of  in Tours, France.  She put it in her machine.  It was declined.  I handed her my back-up card to see if it would work.  Wo La, it worked.  It was then that I noticed the little gold chip on the front of the my secondary card.  There was none on my primary card.  At that point, I started noticing  the different kind of credit card machines.

We found that some vendors in France had machines that would accept cards with or without the chip.  If their machine had a slot for the chip card and also a place to swipe a card, they could use either type of card.  However,  most machines were only equipped to handle cards with chips.

I called my primary credit card company when I returned home to see if I could get my card upgraded.   Their answer was maybe, depending on the type of card I had.   After checking, the customer service person informed me the type of card I have is suppose to be upgraded by the end of 2015.  If I chose, I could get a card with a chip now by signing up for a new card with different benefits.  I declined because I like the card I have.

So, if you are traveling to Europe in the near future, check you credit cards to see if any have the new security chip.   If not, be prepared to make multiple trips to an ATM for cash.  Restaurants, grocery stores, department stores, and some hotels require a card with a chip.

Bon Voyage.




Berlin Germany

Brandenburg Gate
Brandenburg Gate
TV Tower
TV Tower


We have had an unforgettable 3 days in Berlin. When we first arrived it was late afternoon. The Hauptbahnhof (main train station) is 4 stories high.  Nothing looked familiar.  I knew we should take the S5 train to our hotel.  But, where in those 4 levels was the S5?  We found an information center about mid level.  I ask the lady, “sprechen sie English?”  “Yes, a little” she said.  Whew!  She said our train arrived on track 15 on the top level.

We found Track 15.  The next issue was buying a ticket at the kiosk.  The instructions were in German.  I happen to see a British flag in the lower corner of the screen.  I tapped it and English appeared.  Whew again!

We finally arrived at Alexander Platz which was near our hotel.  But, we could not find our hotel from the maps we had.  It was very chilly with a rather brisk wind.  After about 30 minutes, we hailed a taxi.  Two blocks and 8 Euros later we arrived at the ibis Alexander Platz Hotel.

The hotel is a 3 star hotel. It is very clean, has an exceptional continental breakfast, and is centrally located.

After a good nights sleep, we felt much better and headed out to find our way around.  Once we found the big TV tower in the middle of Alexanderplatz we could easily find our way back to our hotel from almost any direction.  We followed Karl Liebknech Strasse west to the Rhine River and the island of museums.  From there the street changes to Unter den Linden and leads to the Brandenburg Gate and Embassy Row.  Take Freidrich Strasse south off Unter den Linden and you run into “Check Point Charlie” and the Berlin Wall Memorial.

If you go north or east of the TV tower you venture deeper into what was the former East Berlin.  The old Soviet style architecture is still prominent. A most interesting street to stroll down is Karl Marx Allee.  It is a wide boulevard with building after building of 10 story apartments, all looking very much the same.

From any direction it is easy to look up, find the TV tower, head in that direction, and end up at Alexander Platz.

Berlin is truly an international city.  We enjoyed the  people, the food, and the history.  I am sure you would too.





Dachau, Germany

Since arriving in Germany, by far the most memorable thing we have seen was the concentration camp at Dachau. It is a testimonial of how crazy the world can get and of how important it is for us to remain vigilant to keep things like this from being repeated.


image   Every generation and every war has the potential for atrocities like this to happen. Thankfully, this memorial to those who died and suffered during these extreme times reminds us of how cruel humankind can become.